Friday, November 20, 2009

Russia's new Saint Cemetery

Built in 1524, where the Smolensk church has five domes Guangcan Can the sun shining golden, with brown convent walls and lush ancient shine into the fun, the whole Moscow's most elegant and beautiful, but also the most historically significant one of the arts complex. Convent Biyou a cemetery, as the church elites and aristocratic burial.

Since 1923, the new Saint cemetery became famous cemetery. Writer, Gogol, Chekhov, Fadeyev and "How the Steel Was Tempered" author Ostrovsky (top right figure), the painter Isaac. Levitan, movie actor Shukshin well-known politicians (such as Khrushchev, Mikoyan, Gromyko), military strategist, artists and scientists are buried here. Almost every gravestone is a sculpture, works of art. For example, Khrushchev's tombstone (left in the diagram) from black and white marble, all three cross-cutting structure, the middle is a stone head; heroine Zoya moving image of the tombstone: Her hands were tightly tied behind his back, clothes broken, Tingzhao bare chest, legs slightly curved, the first high back lifted, and they have shown a variety of shapes and characteristics of the identity of the deceased.

Wang Ming's tomb is here, a half-length statue, wearing a tunic, his eyes looking straight ahead. To have older Chinese people, Wang Ming is no stranger to the name. China's revolutionary history, has his page. Wang Ming had studied in the Soviet Union, known as the Stalin of students. Have been sent to China as the senior leadership of the CPC. Wang Ming's tenure as the leader of Chinese Communist Left had committed the error of opportunism and adventurism. And returned to the Soviet Union to work until it passed away. Saint buried in the new cemetery.

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